As already mentioned, Sustainable Energy West in collaboration with Naomh Breandain Credit Union Ltd, Loughrea and the SEAI have successfully carried out an Energy Master Plan for the Loughrea town area and surrounding hinterlands.
Sustainable Projects

Another piece of work carried out includes thirteen community audits.
Project 1
Residential. Research the energy use.
Project 3
Agriculture. Research the use of plastics, slurry quantity,
emissions etc and alternatives
Project 5
Air/Water/Weather. Measurements to take place and outcomes to be suggested.
Project 2
Commercial. Establish energy types, uses, alternatives.
Project 4
Biodiversity. Develop small gardens/plots of ground and develop to showcase for plants, shrubs, flowers, bugs, bees etc..
Youth Involvement
A group of young TY students from St Raphael’s College and St Brigid’s College got together as volunteers and decided with the help of Sustainable Energy West and Naomh Breandain Credit Union Ltd to promote sustainable living in Loughrea town and surrounding hinterlands.
The aim of this group is to work on sustainable projects that will have a long term impact on the lives of people living, working and visiting in the area. Each group will work on specific projects and each student will be rewarded for their involvement in voluntary work.