3D Energy Efficiency Project
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About Us
Sustainable Energy West
Sustainable Energy West is a group of likeminded people interested in sustainable living for the people who Live, Work and Visit the town of Loughrea and its surrounding small communities.
This is a map showing the area.
Renewable Energy in Ireland
2021 Targets
To stimulate and lead a local movement of energy efficiency and sustainable living, where everyone benefits.
We will do this by…
- Educating the community
- Improving the energy performance of our homes, business and community buildings
- Promoting better energy choices
We will work together……
With our community representatives, energy users and the Sustainable Energy Community (SEC) network using a cooperative approach and central values of equality, equity and mutual self-help. At the heart of our principles is sustainable communities expressed through our people working together to achieve a more sustainable life for ourselves and our children.
We commit to:
- Engage, collaborate and partner with community, regional and national groups
- Collaborate with the SEC Network and SEAI to provide feedback, share experience and knowledge and contribute to the national goals
- Ensure there is a medium to long term energy strategy for Sustainable Energy West
- To set targets for the future

The population of Loughrea and surrounding areas is approximately 19,000.
Loughrea is the main town – 5,000 people.
Rural areas – 14,000 people.
Local Industries
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Praesent eget ullamcorper enim. Curabitur scelerisque mi dolor, eget egestas sem interdum eget. Etiam eros tortor, malesuada sed velit.
- Loughrea Lake
- Cathedral
- Carmelite Abbey
- Carrabane Forest Walk
- Cloughan Castle
- Woodville Walled Gardens
- Abbey Kilinalahan Monastry
- St Feichin’s Graveyard
- Dartfield Horse Museum
- Pallas Karting
- Turoe Pet Farm
- The Tynagh Mines
- Woodford Stone Circle
- Woodford Heritage Centre
- Carrabane Forest Walk
- Woodford Forest Walks
- Sliabh Aughty Centre
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